SDPCW Method Notes
SDPCW Method Notes – this is a supplement to the lecture series: ‘Self Determination in the Post Colonial World’, by Dr Tim Anderson, 2021. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYs0VGhTVo8
SDPCW Method Notes – this is a supplement to the lecture series: ‘Self Determination in the Post Colonial World’, by Dr Tim Anderson, 2021. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYs0VGhTVo8
Sociologists tend to assume inequality matters, while economists often assume it does not, saying inequality generates dynamic incentives in competitive markets. Alternatively, other economists say inequality does matter; this is but mainly because it affects economic growth, which they claim […]
The paper takes a political economy approach, which combines financial and developmental analysis with economic and institutional context. The aim of Part A is to clarify reform options proposed for the Fund, along with relevant considerations. The aim of Part […]
This paper will consider the place of Marx and method, in an attempt to identify the main avenues of enquiry in western political economy. There is controversy over the nature of political economy, and to what extent it constitutes a […]