- Books & reports
(2019) Axis of Resistance: towards an independent Middle East, Clarity Press, Atlanta (GA)
(2018) Tim Anderson and Jochen Mitschka, ‘Die Menschenrechtsindustrie im humanitären Angriffskrieg’
(The Human Rights Industry in Humanitarian War), KOPP
(2018) Tim Anderson and Jochen Mitschka, ‘Schattenkriege des Imperiums – Die Zukunft Palästinas’ (Imperial shadow wars: the future of Palestine), NIBE
(2017) Countering War Propaganda of the Dirty War on Syria, New Dalmoun Press, Damascus
(2016) The Dirty War on Syria, [English: Global Research; German: Liepsen Verlag; Arabic: MDAD/DCRS; Spanish: CCHS; Swedish: Oktoberförlaget; Bosnian: Šahinpašić; Icelandic: Forlagið
Bókabúð; Italian: Zambon; Farsi: IRNA; Greek: ΚΟΚΚΙΝΗ ΟΡΧΗΣΤΡΑ]
(2015) Land and Livelihoods in Papua New Guinea, Australian Scholarly Publishing, North Melbourne
(2012) Latin America, the Caribbean and the South West Pacific: opportunities for south-south cooperation, New York, United States of America: United Nations Development Program.
(2010) The Petroleum Fund and Development Strategy in Timor Leste, A Report for Timor Leste’s Petroleum Fund Consultative Council, Dili (Timor Leste), 55pp, June
(2010) with Gary Lee (Eds) In Defence of Melanesian Customary Land, Aidwatch, Sydney, online at: http://www.aidwatch.org.au/publications/publication-in-defence-of-melanesiancustomary-land
(2008) Defend Yourself: Facing a Charge in Court, 2nd Ed., Federation Press, Sydney
(2006) Oil palm and small farmers in Papua New Guinea, Report for the Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights on the economic prospects for small farmers in PNG’s oil palm industry,
(2003) The World Bank’s claims of ‘good governance’ in Papua New Guinea, Report for the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and the Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights
(CELCOR), 62pp
(1999) Youth Street Rights: a policy and legislation review, with Steve Campbell and Sheree Turner, UTS Community Law and Legal Research Centre and the Youth Justice Coalition, Sydney, 117pp
2. Refereed articles in academic journals
(Forthcoming) ‘Iran’s resistance economy and regional integration’, Journal of World Socio-Political Studies (University of Tehran)
(2018) ‘Media Democratization in Ecuador’, Latin American Perspectives, Issue 220, Vol. 45 No. 3, May 2018, 16–29
(2018) ‘Syria: the human rights industry in ‘humanitarian war’’, Research Paper 1/18, Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies.
(2018) ‘Partnerships for self-determination: The Cuba–Timor health cooperation’, Development Bulletin, Vol 79, January, pp.68-72
(2017) ‘Human Development Strategy in Small States’, World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 8, No. 3, Fall, 349-364
(2015) ‘From Havana to Quito: Understanding Economic Reform in Cuba and Ecuador’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, 76 (Summer 2015/2016), December: 103-128
(2015) ‘¿Por qué importa la desigualdad? Del economicismo a la integridad social’, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Vol 60, No 223, pp. 191-207, online: http://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/rmspys/issue/view/3637/showToc
(2014) ‘The ‘Cuban model’ and its Microeconomy’, Latin American Perspectives, Volume 41 Issue 4 July 2014 pp. 89 – 110, online: http://lap.sagepub.com/content/41/4/91
(2014) ‘Unlikely partners: challenges for an Australia – Cuba collaboration in Pacific Health’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, Issue 73, Winter, online: http://australianpe.wix.com/japehome
(2014) ‘Human development, the state and participation’, Development Studies Research, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 64-74, online: http://bit.ly/1rc6shX; or
(2011) ‘Melanesian Land: The Impact of Markets and Modernisation’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, No 68, December, pp.86-107
(2011) with Chris Doran ‘Iraq and the case for Australian war crimes trials’, Crime, Law and Social Change: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 23 August
(2011) ‘Green Illusions and the Carbon Tax’, Climate and Capitalism, 30 April, online at: http://climateandcapitalism.com/?p=4299#more-4299
(2010) ‘Social medicine in Timor Leste’, Social Medicine, Vol 5 No 4, 182-191, online at: http://www.socialmedicine.info/index.php/socialmedicine/article/view/480/1028; Spanish version: http://www.medicinasocial.info/index.php/medicinasocial/article/view/511/1026
(2010) ‘Hegemony, Big Money and Academic Independence’, Australian Universities Review, Vol 542 No 2, pp.11-17, online at: http://www.aur.org.au/
(2009) ‘HIV/AIDS in Cuba: a rights-based analysis’, Health and Human Rights: an international journal, Vol 11 No 1, pp.93-104, online at:
(2009) ‘HIV/AIDS in Cuba: lessons and challenges’, Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica / Pan American Journal of Public Health, Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2009;26(1):78–86, online at:
(2008) ‘RAMSI: intervention, aid trauma and self governance’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, No. 62, December
(2008) ‘Solidarity aid: the Cuba – Timor Leste health program’, The International Journal of Cuban Studies, Issue 2, December, http://www.cubastudiesjournal.org/issue-2/internationalrelations/
(2008) ‘Women roadside sellers in Madang’, Pacific Economic Bulletin, Vol 23, No 1, online: http://peb.anu.edu.au/pdf/PEB23-1-Anderson.pdf
(2007) ‘Australia’s regional interventions: the antinomies of ‘good governance’, refereed conference paper for Pacific Islands Political Studies Association Conference,
(2007) ‘Health, income and public institutions: explaining Cuba and Costa Rica’, New School Economic Review, Volume 2(1), 2007, 22-37, online at: http://www.newschooljournal.com/files/22-37%20NSER2-1%20Anderson.pdf
with Gary Foley (2006) ‘Land Rights and Aboriginal Voices’, Australian Journal of Human Rights, Special Issue: Marginality and Exclusion, Vol 12, Issue 1, pp.83-108
with Elisabeth Riedl (2006) ‘Fair Trade: the scope of the debate’, Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics, Vol 8 No 1 , June, pp.6-20
(2006) ‘The structuring of health systems and the control of infectious disease: looking at Mexico and Cuba’, Pan American Journal of Public Health, Vol 19(6), June 2006, pp.423-431, online at:
(2006) ‘Policy Coherence and Conflict of Interest: the OECD guidelines on health and poverty’, Critical Public Health, Vol 16 No 3, September, pp.245-257
(2006) ‘Timor Leste: the second Australian intervention’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, No. 58, December, pp.62-93
(2006) ‘On the economic value of customary land in Papua New Guinea’, Pacific Economic Bulletin, Volume 21 Number 1 (2006), pp. 138-152, online at: http://peb.anu.edu.au/pdf/PEB21-1Anderson-focus.pdf
(2006) ‘The Howard Administration, Australian aid and the consequences’, Australian Review of Public Affairs, Symposium: A Decade of Howard Government, 23 February, online:
(2005) ‘Challenging ‘Integrated Conservation and Development’ in Papua New Guinea: the Bismarck Ramu Group’, in Pacific Economic Bulletin, 20 (1), pp.56-66
(2005) ‘Contesting ‘Transition’: the US plan for a Free Cuba’, Latin American Perspectives, Vol 32, No 6, November, pp.28-46
(2005) ‘Marine protected areas: the NSW experience’, Waves, Vol 11, No 2, Spring, p.28
(2004) ‘Some thoughts on method in Political Economy’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, Issue 54, December, pp.135-145,
(2004) ‘Marx, method and western political economy’, presented at 4-8 May 2004 Havana conference ‘Carlos Marx y los desafios del siglo XXI’, refereed conference paper
(2004) with Elisabeth Riedl, ‘Fair trade: the scope of the debate’, paper presented at Third ISBEE World Congress (International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics) at Melbourne, 14-17 July 2004, refereed and published online, http://www.isbee.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=view_category&Itemid=45&subcat=
(2003) ‘Aid, Trade and Oil: Australia’s Second Betrayal of East Timor’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, Issue 52, December, pp. 114-127
(2003) ‘Self-determination after Independence: East Timor and the World Bank’, Portuguese Studies Review, Vol 11, No 1 (Special Issue on East Timor), July
(2003) ‘Independent Structural Adjustment: Cuban and neoliberal models compared’, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 9:1, July
(2003) ‘Terrorist Laws in NSW: disproportional and discriminatory’, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, Vol 14 No 3, March, 310-315
(2002) ‘The Political Economy of Human Rights’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, Number 50, December, 200-227
(2002) ‘Island Socialism: Cuban crisis and Structural Adjustment’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, Number 49, June, pp.56-86
(2001) ‘Policing and Civil Rights Since the NSW Police Royal Commission’, University of Western Sydney Law Review, Vol 5, 75-82
(2001) Criminal Oversight: a human rights review of recent criminal justice law in New South Wales, Public Space: Refereed Occasional Paper Series #3, UTS Community Law and Legal Research Centre, 71pp
(1999) ‘The Meaning of Deregulation’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, No 45, December
(1999) ‘Private Green Slips, Ten Years On’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, No 44, June
(1999) ‘Policing, Structural Violence and Accountability’, Seminar Papers, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney
3. Chapters in books
(Forthcoming) ‘How the New Middle East wars destroy democracy at home and abroad’, The Condition of Democracy and the Fate of Citizenship, Conference Papers, Potsdam University
(2018) Tim Anderson (2018) ‘Cuba, Oceania and a ‘Canberra Spring’’ Chapter 9 in John Kirk and Henry Erisman (2018) Cuban Foreign Policy: Transformation under Raúl Castro, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham MD
(2018) ‘Public Investment in Youth’, in Timor Leste: National Human Development Report 2018, United Nations Development Programme, New York
(2015) ‘Land and Livelihoods in Papua New Guinea – shifting the paradigm’ in Jonathan Ritchie and Michelle Verso (Eds) Securing a Prosperous Future: Papua New Guinea, Papers from the Second
Annual Alfred Deakin Research Institute Papua New Guinea Symposium 2012, Crawford House Publishing, Adelaide, pp. 143-181
(2015) ‘Lessons from the Iranian Revolution’, in Cultural Section of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (2015) The Islamic Revolution of Iran: from the viewpoint of Australian Scholars, Canberra, February, pp.16-38
(2014) ‘Postcards from the Secret Police’ in Meredith Burgmann (Ed) Dirty Secrets: our ASIO files, New South Publishing, Sydney, pp.391-405
(2014) ‘Chávez and American Integration’ in Luis Fernando Angosto-Ferrández (Editor) Democracy, Revolution and Geopolitics in Latin America: Venezuela and the International Politics of Discontent,
Routledge, New York
(2013) ‘Chapter 12: Development Strategy’ in M. Leach and D. Kingsbury (eds) (2012) The Politics of Timor-Leste, Cornell University, New York, pp.257-283
(2012) ‘Aid: is it worth it?’, in Michael Leach, Nuno Canas Mendes, Antero B. da Silva, Bob Boughton and Alarico da Costa Ximenes (Eds) Peskiza foun kona ba/ Novas investigações sobre / New research on/ Penelitian baru mengenai Timor-Leste, Hawthorn: Swinburne Press, pp.136-142
(2012) ‘Medisina Sosial iha Timor-Leste’, in Michael Leach, Nuno Canas Mendes, Antero B. da Silva, Bob Boughton and Alarico da Costa Ximenes (Eds) Peskiza foun kona ba/ Novas investigações sobre / New research on/ Penelitian baru mengenai Timor-Leste, Hawthorn: Swinburne
Press, pp.42-52
(2012) ‘El socialismo latinoamericano: los puntos de partida del socialismo del norte’ in Conference proceedings, ‘XIII Simposio Internacional sobre Pensamiento Latinoamericano’ – Universidad Central ‘Marta Abreu’ de las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba
(2012) ‘Economic crisis and reintegration: the emerging regional variants’, Chapter 3 in Parvesh Chopra (Ed) (2012) Development Macroeconomics: global issues and human development, essays in Honour of Professor B.N. Ghosh, Wisdom House, Leeds, pp.25-44
(2011) ‘Agricultural liberalisation and its ‘high risks’ for food security’ in BN Ghosh (Ed) (2011) Global Food Crisis: Contemporary Issues and Policy Options, Wisdom House, Leeds
(2010) ‘Land reform’ in Timor Leste? Why the Constitution is worth defending’, in Michael Leach, Nuno Canas Mendes, Antero B. da Silva, Alarico da Costa Ximenes and Bob Boughton (Ed.s) (2010) Hatene kona ba/ Compreender/ Understanding/ Mengerti Timor-Leste, Swinburne Press,
Melbourne, pp. 213-218, online at: http://tlstudies.org/tlsa_confpro.html
(2010) ‘Cuban Health Cooperation in Timor Leste and the South West Pacific’, in The Reality of Aid
(2010) South-South Development Cooperation: A challenge to the aid system?, online at: http://www.realityofaid.org/roareports/index/secid/373/part/3
(2010) ‘Land Registration, Land Markets and Livelihoods in Papua New Guinea’, in Tim Anderson and Gary Lee (Eds) (2010) In Defence of Melanesian Customary Land, Aidwatch, Sydney
with Gary Lee (2010) ‘Introduction: Understanding Melanesian Customary Land’, in Tim Anderson and Gary Lee (Eds) (2010) In Defence of Customary Land, Aidwatch, Sydney
(2009) ‘Meta-crisis, hegemonía y contra hegemonía’, in Centro Internacional Miranda (2009) Respuestas del Sur, Caracas (Venezuela), pp.35-53
(2007) ‘Food Security and Agriculture in the Australia-East Timor Relationship’ in Damien Kingsbury and Michael Leach (2007) East Timor: Beyond Independence, Monash Asia Institute Press, Melbourne
(2006) ‘Fond Illusions: Some reflections on Australian dependence, Pacific interventions and Indigenous land’, in Suvendrini Pereira (Ed) (2006) Our Patch: Australian Sovereignty Post 2001, Australian Public Intellectual Network, Perth
(2006) ‘Globalization and agricultural trade: the market access and food security dilemmas of developing countries’ in B.N. Ghosh (Ed) (2006) Globalisation and the Third World: a study of its negative consequences, Palgrave MacMillan, London, Chapter 14
(2006) ‘ Social values embedded in health systems: infectious disease in Mexico and Cuba’, in Michael J. Selgelid, Margaret P. Battin and Charles B. Smith (Editors) (2006) Ethics and Infectious Disease, Blackwell, Oxford
(2003) ‘The Meaning of Deregulation’, in George Argyrous and Frank Stilwell (Eds), Economics as a Social Science, Second Edition, Pluto, Sydney, 14-23
June 2020